Herts Pain and Injury Clinic is an Osteopathy and Sports Injury clinic based in Hertfordshire. We have two branches: one in Radlett and the other in Hitchin.
We take pride in our exceptional patient care, expert knowledge and friendly approach. Each and every one of our patients that walks through our door will get 100% from the team.
Our practitioners will use their experience and knowledge to get to the bottom of your pain or dysfunction. They will devise a tailored treatment and rehabilitation program to help relieve the symptoms and get you back to full fitness as quickly as possible; whether ‘full fitness’ means returning to sport or being able to put your socks on pain free in the morning.
Throughout the process, they will educate you and provide a plan to help prevent reoccurrence in the future.
Unsure? Give the clinic a call and we will advise you on which treatment approach we think will be best suited for you!